
BOOK NOW: Live interview with Royal Town Planning Institute CEO Victoria Hills

The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series of events continues this coming Friday, 20 November, at 11am with a live interview with Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

The third Infrastructure Intelligence LIVE In the Spotlight interview features Victoria Hills, chief executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Victoria, one of the most high-profile women leaders in construction, is passionate about planning great liveable places and has an unrivalled insight into London’s governance, having worked for all three London mayors. 

As a former chief executive of the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, she drove forward the early stages of the transformation of the Old Oak and Park Royal opportunity area and previously was head of transport for the Greater London Authority. Before that, she held a variety of roles in transport consultancy and local government and previously chaired the Transport Planning Society and the RTPI's Transport Planning Network, and in 2017 was appointed a fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

With 20 years’ experience and expertise in planning, transport and organisational leadership and development, Victoria’s views on a range of issues should certainly be well worth listening to during this live interview, which is organised in association with our strategic partner, BECG.

In the Spotlight interview 3:
Victoria Hills, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute 
Friday 20 November 2020 at 11am
Click here to book your place at this live interview.

The Infrastructure Intelligence Live series of events is organised in association with our strategic partner, BECG

If you would like to contact Andy Walker about this, or any other story, please email